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Physik Department E22
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Room 3111
+49 89 289 124 95
Physik Department E22
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Room 3111
+49 89 289 124 95
Thomas Suren
Thomas Suren

Rief Group
Proteins are fascinating examples of self-organized molecular machines. Without any help a polypeptide strand can fold into functional threedimensional structures. Here at the Rieflab, we are interested in studying the function and folding process of proteins on the single molecule level. Examples are single-molecule folding and unfolding studies or the motility of molecular motors in optical traps.
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